3 Quotes & Sayings By Rb Bernstein

R.B. Bernstein is the author of the novel "One Hundred Children" (2011), which was selected for inclusion in the fiction section of the New York Public Library's 100 Books for Reading and Sharing list. She also wrote "The Ballad of Bethany O'Neal," winner of the 2011 New York Public Library  Poetry Book Award, and is a recipient of a Chancellor's Teaching Award for her teaching at John Jay College, CUNY. Her work has appeared in more than 30 literary magazines, various anthologies, and on several websites Read more

She currently resides in New York City.

As the nation divided into Federalists and Republicans, each group called the other the worst name possible: "party". Most Americans feared the idea of party; believing that a society should unite to achieve the public good, they denounced parties as groups of ambitious men selfishly competing for power. Worse, parties were danger signals for a republic; if parties dominated a republic's politics, its days were numbered. R.B. Bernstein
Jefferson feared that Hamilton had plans radically at odds with the Constitution. As he saw it, Hamilton wanted to warp the federal government out of constitutional shape, converting it into a copy of the British government, built on debt, corruption, and influence. Hamilton's goal, Jefferson charged, was to ally the rich and well born with the government at the people's expense, creating a corrupt aristocracy leagued with the government against the people and destroying the virtue that was the basis of republican government. Only a republic could preserve liberty, Jefferson insisted, and only virtue among the people could preserve a republic. . R.B. Bernstein