5 Quotes & Sayings By Ravi Subramanian

Ravi Subramanian is the founder of the Ravi Subramanian Institute of Management Studies, an educational institute dedicated to teaching and training students of great enterprise. He is the author of the highly successful business book, "The Power of Big Ideas" and more than twenty five other books on entrepreneurship, leadership, strategy, leadership skills, change management and innovation. He is also an adjunct faculty member at Columbia Business School in New York City. His company, The Ravi Subramanian Group, provides training programs for entrepreneurs at all levels.

When you write, you put your thoughts in the public space. You get both positive and negative feedback. Ravi Subramanian
A lot of things that I write about have happened to people around me, if not necessarily to me or in the organizations I've worked in. Having said that, it's fiction and has a lot to do with my imagination and creativity. Ravi Subramanian
When James Bond presses the watch and the car explodes, the writer doesn't go into the science of it. One should leave it to the leap of faith. I have tried to explain as much as possible, and what I can't, I have left it to people's imagination. Ravi Subramanian
My favourite authors are John Grisham and Jeffrey Archer. Grisham rapidly established himself and now completely owns the legal space of fiction writing, something I want to do in financial space. I like Archer because he keeps his readers engaged: every chapter is a page turner, and he keeps his writing simple. Ravi Subramanian