114 Quotes & Sayings By Radelmonico

R.A.Delmonico is an author, artist, and entrepreneur. He is the executive chef at Delman's in New York City.

Love doesn't need your permission, that's what hope is for.
Love doesn't need your permission, that's what hope is for. R.A.Delmonico
Knowledge is the physical manifestation of consciousness.
Knowledge is the physical manifestation of consciousness. R.A.Delmonico
The exchange rate for ideas is infinite.
The exchange rate for ideas is infinite. R.A.Delmonico
No matter what you want to do, you still have...
No matter what you want to do, you still have to start where you are. R.A.Delmonico
Luck often sides with the able.
Luck often sides with the able. R.A.Delmonico
Quantum entanglement and geometry; if we think of a particle as being at one pole of an expanding sphere that is not perfectly symmetrical, this surface would would be "rippling" like the surface of the ocean (in the audio world this is called dithering), at the other pole is the entangled particle and it is a property of the sphere that gives the illusion of connectivity. This is not a physical geometry, it is a computational geometry. Is spacetime a product of entanglement? . R.A.Delmonico
Even if a particle could travel backward in time, information could not. Retrocausality will be replaced by something more sophisticated. There are no perfect symmetries, there is no pure randomness everything is an approximation of something else. Information may appear in a digital form but meaning never does. Spacetime is built up from approximations, not discrete ones and zeros, and the only constant may be ratios. Quantum entanglement and geometry; if we think of a particle as being at one pole of an expanding sphere that is not perfectly symmetrical, this surface would be "rippling" like the surface of the ocean (in the audio world this is called dithering), at the other pole is the entangled particle's pair and it is a property of the sphere that gives the illusion of connectivity. This is not a physical geometry, it is a computational geometry. Is spacetime a product of entanglement? Renate Loll believes that time is not perfectly symmetrical. Her computer models require causality. Possibly some form of quantum random walk in state space. If a photon is emitted by an electron inside of a clock on Earth and it travels to a clock four light years away, time stops for the clock on Earth and time jumps forward eight years for the distant clock also, the electron that will capture the photon becomes infinitely large relative to the photon but the electron that emitted it does not become infinitely small therefore, time is not perfectly symmetrical. R.A.Delmonico
If time were perfectly symmetric, gravity wouldn't exist.
If time were perfectly symmetric, gravity wouldn't exist. R.A.Delmonico
If a photon is emitted by an electron inside of a clock on Earth and it travels to a clock four light years away, time stops for the clock on Earth and time jumps forward eight years for the distant clock, also the electron that will capture the photon becomes infinitely large, relative to the photon but the electron that emitted it does not become infinitely small therefore, time is not perfectly symmetrical. R.A.Delmonico
Emergent behaviors rely on computational geometry and scale.
Emergent behaviors rely on computational geometry and scale. R.A.Delmonico
When our theories continually move us into more and more...
When our theories continually move us into more and more complicated explanations then, it is certain that we are moving in the wrong direction. R.A.Delmonico
Three dimensional time converts scalar waves into transverse waves.
Three dimensional time converts scalar waves into transverse waves. R.A.Delmonico
Religion is doing, spirituality is being.
Religion is doing, spirituality is being. R.A.Delmonico
The benefit of being friends will vastly outweigh the benefit...
The benefit of being friends will vastly outweigh the benefit of being enemies. R.A.Delmonico
War is the echo that never dies. No society strives...
War is the echo that never dies. No society strives for war, they are always tricked into it. R.A.Delmonico
While you were asleep, the world changed. The possibilities that live in dreams require the actions of the awoken. The possibilities are tied to agendas. The balancing force between greed and love is not stable, it is fractal. Rogue waves exist and just because you haven't seen one does not entitle you to remain ignorant. R.A.Delmonico
The greatest desire is the desire to be free. The...
The greatest desire is the desire to be free. The greatest freedom is the freedom to desire. R.A.Delmonico
A slight deviation form what we would think of as symmetry gives us a bit more information and the mind seems to enjoy this stimulation because it is always looking for value. Beauty is a slight deviation from expectation. R.A.Delmonico
There is great beauty in the world but you will...
There is great beauty in the world but you will not trip over it with every step. When a man dulls himself to beauty, the world begins to die. R.A.Delmonico
The power of a young woman is in her beauty...
The power of a young woman is in her beauty and charm. The power of a woman in her later years is her social position and her ability to convince. R.A.Delmonico
The best leaders don't give a damn about the definition of leadership, they are thinking about more important things. R.A.Delmonico
I don't have to be the smartest person in the room, I just have to be in the room. R.A.Delmonico
Society is driven by the fierce winds of subjective opinion, whereby the balance is always tested, always in flux. Know this, your opinion is part of a continuum of possibilities that lives in the swirling landscape of humanity and if the world is not what you think it should be, probably, you are standing in the wrong place. R.A.Delmonico
Whoever said God is a mathematician or an architect was not paying attention. The universe behaves more like a song than an equation. God is the great composer. A song contain mathematical relationships but an equation does not contain a song. R.A.Delmonico
The heart lives in that space between harmonic regularity and chaotic uncertainty. R.A.Delmonico
It is not the job of the intellect to tame the passions of the heart, that is the job of the spirit. The intellect is best managed by the heart, without this connection you get the psychopath. The heart is best managed by the spirit, without this connection, you get the horrors of war. R.A.Delmonico
The human heart is deeply nuanced who can know it? Taming the heart involves trust. What do you trust in? The material world has less substance than most people realize. We are made of stuff but this stuff is something that cannot be regarded as real. In a very real sense, you are a collection of your choices. R.A.Delmonico
The most valuable thing you own is your heart. Guard it well. R.A.Delmonico
Heart is really just forgetting to fail. R.A.Delmonico
Math is the language of the head, music is the language of the heart. Of the two, it is music that speaks the most truth. R.A.Delmonico
Bring the mind and the phenomena will follow. R.A.Delmonico
Handling power is very much like handling explosives, you have to have a great deal of respect for it and most people don't. R.A.Delmonico
When passion rises to its full expression, it touches the soul and lifts the spirit. R.A.Delmonico
I personally feel that the universe behaves more like a song than an equation because math is about static law and music is about dynamic expression. R.A.Delmonico
Our reality is a blend of the impossible becoming possible. R.A.Delmonico
Everything is fields, and a particle is just a smaller version of a field. There is a harmonic relationship involved. Disturbing ideas like those of Einstein in 1905 and Feynman Pocono Conference in 1948.Here we go;1) The universe is ringing like a bell. Neil Turok's Public Lecture: The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything.2) The stuff of the universe is waves or fields.3) Scale is relative, not fixed because all of these waves are ratios of one another.4) The geometry is fractal. This could be physical or computational.5) If the geometry is computational then, there is no point in speaking about the relationship of the pixels on the display. R.A.Delmonico
The structure of the universe is a computational geometry that is fractal in nature. R.A.Delmonico
If the universe is made of information then, we are moving from a state of profound truth to a state of meaningless gibberish. R.A.Delmonico
What is man but an illusion perceiving itself in a nested hierarchy of holographic information. R.A.Delmonico
The nature of reality is such that every sufficiently complex event is statistically impossible, they are all one time events. This is a dynamic of novelty and so anything stable is forced to fluctuate including meaning. When we measure a thing we may not see the dynamics as a consequence of resolution. This is because the holographic information field has a nested hierarchy of scale. R.A.Delmonico
Joy is so deeply rooted in our souls that it is not tossed about by the waves of circumstance. R.A.Delmonico
In any society, concentrations of power should be avoided at all cost. R.A.Delmonico
Truth as a time coordinate; truth lives in the past, the future is uncertain. Truth as a scale coordinate; truth lives in the macro world, the micro world is uncertain. Truth lives in the macro past and uncertainty lives in the micro future. R.A.Delmonico
In the future, designer viruses will be more popular than designer jeans. R.A.Delmonico
The more we rely on our presuppositions, the less we will learn. R.A.Delmonico
Light pierces the darkness and is consumed, truth pierces the chaos and is consumed. Every engine takes advantage of a difference. In order to give light, something must be consumed. R.A.Delmonico
The value of trust is very much like the value of dignity. R.A.Delmonico
Imagination is the connecting of disparate things in novel ways. R.A.Delmonico
Imagination is probably the most remarkable thing that exist in the universe. R.A.Delmonico
Imagination is by definition, a complex system. R.A.Delmonico
Novelty is the fuel on which the imagination runs. R.A.Delmonico
The imagination goes where it will, you can be set aloft by it, or you can cage it with reason. R.A.Delmonico
The more children there are in the world, the more the world is filled with imagination. R.A.Delmonico
Knowledge dilutes imagination. R.A.Delmonico
The surest cure for selfishness is to continually practice random acts of kindness. R.A.Delmonico
If you zoom in far enough, the information is there but it contains no meaning. The meaning emerges as a collective principle of organization. R.A.Delmonico
The core is harmonic regularity, the outer darkness is random noise, we are in the space between them. Every engine takes advantage of a difference. These two extremes are woven into each other. The eternal now is the processing of meaning. R.A.Delmonico
The density of meaning is external and context dependent. R.A.Delmonico
Information may appear in a digital form but meaning never does. R.A.Delmonico
The woman desires the bad boy that is only good for her and the man desires the good girl that is only naughty for him. R.A.Delmonico
Robust systems have a dynamic hierarchy of nested behaviors. How many moves ahead are you able to think when playing chess? How much effort are you willing to commit to understanding the deeply nuanced structure? Probably, success is not what you think it is. Adventures require novelty. Value has interesting surprises. R.A.Delmonico
Law existed before grace and mercy. The law is static it cannot save. Inside of time only grace and mercy can save. It is not the job of the intellect to tame the passions of the heart, that is the job of the spirit. Emotion is deep and highly nuanced, it cannot be described by any mathematical equation. Dynamic problems require dynamic solutions. R.A.Delmonico
There are 10, 000 explanations for why evil exist, but only one that I agree with, " And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. R.A.Delmonico
To truly understand a man, you must look at his enemies. R.A.Delmonico
Debates should always move in the direction of understanding. R.A.Delmonico
Those that control the definitions, steer the culture as they please. R.A.Delmonico
Those who feel nothing, gain nothing. Think about this. If you do not feel, your desires don't exist and cannot be rewarded. R.A.Delmonico
You cannot solve a level four problem with level one thinking. R.A.Delmonico
The energy contained in hatred is destructive, the energy contained in love is constructive. R.A.Delmonico
The world has become a much smaller place, there is no longer room for hatred. R.A.Delmonico
Have you been called to greatness? There is a way to tell. Do you have a pulse? R.A.Delmonico
An insufficient level of awareness is indistinguishable from ignorance. R.A.Delmonico
A lie has more dynamic than truth but truth has more potential. R.A.Delmonico
The Bible is a hologram and Jesus is on every page. R.A.Delmonico
Character trumps circumstance every time. R.A.Delmonico
When a religious system or a government organizes into a bureaucracy, it is the bureaucracy that incessantly moves all activities increasingly and inevitably towards it's own destruction. The momentum will always become greater than the influence of it's wisest members. R.A.Delmonico
The paradox of choice; the more options there are, the harder it is to chose and the higher the expectations and so, the satisfaction is diminished. R.A.Delmonico
The reason I believe that emotion is a higher state than intellect is that chess computers don't enjoy winning. R.A.Delmonico
Pay it forward generates more value than tit for tat. R.A.Delmonico
What we value matters, we become what we are connected to. R.A.Delmonico
The true value of something is the portion of your life you are willing to trade for it. R.A.Delmonico
We are searching for the most humble man on the planet so that we can award him with a great honor but we are having trouble finding the guy. R.A.Delmonico
Isn't it strange that it took so long to realize that all you needed to change was your attitude. R.A.Delmonico
It is all about value. For good outcomes, we have to value the right things to make the best choices. R.A.Delmonico
We live in the shadows of perception. Our dull awareness gives us no useful clues as to why we are here. R.A.Delmonico
If our leaders ignore the rule of law, it is certain that they have broken the social contract. The social contract is not a declaration of a lasting war but of a lasting peace who's regulation is charged by the will of the people under the rule of law. I pray the we are wise enough to keep our moral compass. R.A.Delmonico
All natural laws retain the balance contained within the scope of that law, no man made law can do this. It is better to understand the natural laws that govern society then to create man made laws that will not work. R.A.Delmonico
Organized scarcity is the best way to increase your profits. This is the idea of the ends justify the means. There are second and third order effects that will take away all of the gains and then some. Wisdom is better than gold, peace is better than profit. R.A.Delmonico
An overly complex explanation began with an unsophisticated assumption. R.A.Delmonico
The best evidence of unsophisticated ideas is the behavior that follows. R.A.Delmonico
There is nothing quite so sexy as good old fashioned enthusiasm. R.A.Delmonico
Imperfection contains more information than perfection. R.A.Delmonico
In the digital world, nothing truly exist unless it exist in at least two places. R.A.Delmonico
The only defense against stupid is distance. R.A.Delmonico
Aversion to conflict will always generate conflict. R.A.Delmonico
You can't make a difference, if you don't know what it is. R.A.Delmonico
If you want the miracle to happen, you have to create the space for it. R.A.Delmonico
You may regard yourself as a accident from the cosmos, but I prefer to think of you as a miracle. R.A.Delmonico
Most really crazy people can only take reality in small doses. R.A.Delmonico
Nothing novel or interesting happens unless it is on the border between order and chaos. R.A.Delmonico