4 Quotes & Sayings By R Queen

R. Queen is an International Best Selling Author, motivational speaker, award winning author, poet and artist. She has published fifteen books including the highly anticipated Undercover Lover (available May 2017). Queen's debut novel, The Vow, was nominated for the Romance Writers of America RITA Award in 2010 Read more

Queen's novels are known for their love story themes and well-developed characters that stay with you long after you've finished reading her books.

If you love something, love it completely, cherish it, say it, but most importantly, show it. Life is finite and fragile, and just because something is there one day, it might not be the next. Never take that for granted. Say what you need to say, then say a little more. Say too much. Show too much. Love too much. Everything is temporary but love. Love outlives us all. R. Queen
Light is easy to love. Show me your darkness. R. Queen
Everyone wants the fairy tale, but don’t forget there are dragons in those stories. R. Queen