4 Quotes & Sayings By Peter Grimwade

Peter Grimwade is the author of more than twenty-five books on health and fitness, including Body for Life, A Complete Guide to High Intensity Training, and The 7 Steps to Better Health. He is also a co-author of Body Sculpting with Yoga & Pilates, and the adviser for the popular videos from Peter Grimwade Fitness. His latest books include The Ultimate Diet Guide and The Essential Guide to Total Fitness. Peter was born in the UK but moved to Australia when he was five years old Read more

He has lived there for over forty years.

Don't interfere! " The Doctor silenced her angrily. "I cannot will my own destruction. Peter Grimwade
Mawdryn stared at the Brigadier with such a look of pain and longing. For a moment the old soldier's mind went back thirty-five years to his first taste of action as a young lieutenant in Palestine, with his platoon badly shot up by terrorists, and he remembered the mangled conscript who screamed at the officer to take his rifle and kill him. Peter Grimwade
The Brigadier had no wish to shake hands with the...
The Brigadier had no wish to shake hands with the improbable young man in the ridiculous frock-coat. Peter Grimwade