4 Quotes & Sayings By Paul Kropp

Paul Kropp is the author of the bestselling book The 48 Laws of Power, as well as The Way of the Superior Man and The Call of the Wild. He is a highly sought-after leadership and life coach. His clients include CEOs, celebrities, and artists from various fields. He is a frequent speaker on topics such as personal power, success, and "getting what you want." He has been featured on CNN, Fox News, E!, The Today Show, Oprah, and numerous other national media outlets Read more

He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and three children.

When Benjamin Franklin, the famous inventor and publisher, was serving as the American ambassador to France, he often impressed French intellectual with the wisdom of his remarks. At one dinner, the question was raised, "What human condition deserves the most pity?" Each of the guests responded, but the answer that is still remembered is Benjamin Franklins's: "A lonesome man on a rainy day who does not know how to read. Paul Kropp
The joy of reading with our children doesn't stop as they, and we, get older; it simply changes. Paul Kropp
Reading is dreaming. Reading is entering a world of imagination shared between reader and author. Reading is getting beyond the words to the story or meaning underneath. Paul Kropp