3 Quotes & Sayings By Paul Colaianni

Paul is the author of the book "Squatters' Rights" which was published in 2009. He is also the creator of "Cleanup California", an organization that is working to end corporate influence in California politics. Paul has been featured in numerous news outlets including NY Times, LA Times, Huffington Post, LA Weekly, National Public Radio, MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Show, Raw Story, AlterNet, The Nation Magazine and more.

A "breakdown" is when you've exhausted every option and have no choice but to accept the fact that you are powerless to create the outcome you want. A "breakthrough" has the same definition. Paul Colaianni
The most important thing to remember about confronting an irrational person is that they are usually attributing an inaccurate meaning to a situation causing them to react irrationally. Paul Colaianni