3 Quotes & Sayings By Pamela Schloesser Canepa

Pamela Schloesser Canepa is a best-selling author and Founder of "The Institute for Positive Living," a nonprofit organization that specializes in social and emotional learning in schools. Pamela has been featured on Oprah, CBS Sunday Morning, The Today Show, USA Today, 60 Minutes, and many other national media outlets. She is the author of twelve books including The Miracle of Mindfulness; Secrets to Love; Step by Step; and Forgiving Love.

My experience showed me an ugly side of our human nature. That if we are told it’s alright to step on someone, we will do so, in joy that we are not the one being stepped on. If we are told we can treat someone as lesser, we will do it, since it means we are more than they are.” -Norrie, Seeing Through Sampson's Eyes Pamela Schloesser Canepa
Life on the go was not a problem for them. Understanding, and sticking to the rules of time travel, was more the challenge. - From Detours in Time Pamela Schloesser Canepa