3 Quotes & Sayings By Olga Korbut

One of the most iconic gymnasts of all time, Olga Korbut was born in 1966 in Stuttgart, Germany. She lived in Stuttgart until the age of 18, when she moved to Moscow. Although she competed for the USSR at the 1972 Munich Olympics, it would be her last Games. Korbut was forced to retire after suffering injuries that made it impossible for her to continue her gymnastic career Read more

The next year, she abruptly left her home country and moved to the United States to start a new life with her future husband, fellow Olympic gymnast Alexander Dontchev.

Then I was lucky I met with my future husband, and I started new life with my husband, and I was happy again. He was a musician. I start to travel with him through Europe also and around the former Soviet Union. Olga Korbut
Remember before nineteen seventy two Olympic Games I was total skinny, I was small, very strong, they may be don't like to see a gymnastics like that. I don't know but, gymnastics, might. Nineteen seventy two supposed to be change somewhere. Olga Korbut