6 Quotes & Sayings By Natasha Friend

A qualified physiotherapist, Natasha has been a healer since her early teens. A lover of all things creative, she is a keen reader, collector and scribbler of short stories – some of which have been published – and a dab hand at seamstress.

It’s a funny thing, friendship. One minute a person is...
It’s a funny thing, friendship. One minute a person is driving you crazy, making you want to shake them, and the next minute you realize what a crappy place the world would be without them in it. Natasha Friend
You cry in your room. I cry in my room. Mom cries in Mom's room. And in the morning everyone pretends like they never cried once in their life. Natasha Friend
When you see a small change in your life it means its a huge change in personality and your trait Natasha Friend
No matter what those sex-ed teachers say about how great condoms are, there's not a condom in the world to protect you from heartbreak. Natasha Friend
Hey, God made us sexual creatures. If he wanted teenagers to wait that long, he would have made puberty start at twenty-five. Natasha Friend