5 Quotes & Sayings By Michael Chang

Michael Chang is a bestselling young adult author and blogger based in San Francisco, California. He is a graduate of Columbia University and currently works as a freelance writer and editor. He has worked as a community organizer and as a youth counselor at Vista Del Mar, a homeless shelter in San Diego. His work has appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, TeenVogue.com, and the Huffington Post Read more

His debut young adult novel, The Imperfectionists, was published in June 2013 by Dial Books for Young Readers.

I feel like I have as good a shot as anybody out there and I have gotten close in the past, so why not have the attitude that I can come out and play great tennis and maybe even win this tournament. Michael Chang
As long as there's pasta and Chinese food in the world, I'm okay. Michael Chang
For me, I think the Lord wanted me to win to put a smile on Chinese people's faces. Michael Chang
Maybe sometimes I'm such a thinker, I reevaluate too much. Sometimes when it comes down to it, I really don't need to do anything, I don't really need to change anything. I need to just keep plugging away, working at it. Michael Chang