4 Quotes & Sayings By Mercy Brown

Mercy Brown is an award-winning author of contemporary romance novels. She has written her share of sexy, smart, unconventional stories. She’s also loved by readers for writing characters who are real, not perfect. Find out more about Mercy at http://www.mercysweet.net

What else did you imagine?" His voice is low and rough and oh, so fucking sexy. "Tell me what happens next."" You already know, " I whisper. "All the very good, very wrong things."" I want to hear you say it."" Okay, " I say through my teeth. "You fuck me until I forget my own name."" Wrong, " he says. "I fuck you until the only name you know is mine. Mercy Brown
I've been wondering all day what flavor lip gloss you've got on."" Dr. Pepper, " I say, before my brain starts to work again." Lip Smackers?" He laughs. "Really?""My mom always puts a ton of them in my stocking at Christmas, " I try to explain, but really, what's the point now? He already knows my taste in cosmetics hasn't changed since the seventh grade." I like it."" You do?"" Well, let me double-check, " he says, and then he licks his bottom lip before he kisses me again. I feel the tip of his tongue soft against mine, taste the sweetness of his breath as he kisses me deeper. Then he moves his lips, all warm and soft over to my ear and kisses me there until I can't speak. Mercy Brown
Are you busy?" I ask." I'm working on a paper. Recall? The phone conversation we had fifteen minutes ago?" I glance up at a clock in the hall, and then back at his smart-ass mouth." It was twenty minutes ago."" I need coffee, " he says, and why is he being such an adorable dick, still smiling at me like that? "Want to walk up to Dunkin' Donuts?""What about Millie?" I say." What about her?"" Does she want any?"" Should we call her and ask?"" Isn't she upstairs?"" How hard did you hit your head last night? . Mercy Brown