3 Quotes & Sayings By Melanie Tushmore

Melanie Tushmore is a published author from Chicago, IL. She has been an independent writer since 2013 and currently works as a freelance writer and part-time blogger. She can be found on: ​

Who's got a mirror?” I ask. Spider shrugs at me. “We're all fellas. Why would any of us have mirrors?”“ I've got a mirror! ” Brandon declares happily, digging a compact out of his pocket. No-one is surprised. Melanie Tushmore
No, " Nathan grumbled. "Like, not piss on him, just all around him." Stuart raised an eyebrow. "Nath, you need to chill. We're in a bar, a busy bar. We can't stop people talking to each other." "I know but-"" Look, don't worry about it, " Stuart insisted. "Try not to turn into a bunny boiler just yet. Melanie Tushmore