10 Quotes & Sayings By Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox is a world-renowned doctor, scientist, author and speaker. He is the founder and director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Miraval Resort in Tucson, Arizona. His work has been featured on major television networks including CNN, CBS, Fox News Channel, The Discovery Channel and ABC. Dr Read more

Fox was a founding board member of the American Holistic Medical Association and serves on the boards of several other organizations. He has written five books and his latest book is "The Healing Power of Forgiveness: How to Reclaim Your Power from Your Past."

Men should not be sexing their women in the missionary...
Men should not be sexing their women in the missionary position because they are facing away from the sky. Instead of looking down, men are to look up. To the vastness of Father Sky Matthew Fox
Humor and paradox are often the only ways to respond to life's sorrow with grace. Matthew Fox
Creativity and imagination are not frosting on a cake: They are integral to our sustainability. They are survival mechanisms. They are of the essence of who we are. They constitute our deepest empowerment. Matthew Fox
Where the Divine and the Human Meet" shows how important it is to meet the world with the creativity of an artist, particularly in these uncertain times: "What do we do with chaos? Creativity has an answer. We are told by those who have studied the processes of nature that creativity happens at the border between chaos and order. Chaos is a prelude to creativity. We need to learn, as every artist needs to learn, to live with chaos and indeed to dance with it as we listen to it and attempt some ordering. Artists wrestle with chaos, take it apart, deconstruct and reconstruct from it. Accept the challenge to convert chaos into some kind of order, respecting the timing of it all, not pushing beyond what is possible–combining holy patience with holy impatience--that is the role of the artist. It is each of our roles as we launch the twenty-first century because we are all called to be artists in our own way. We were all artists as children. We need to study the chaos around us in order to turn it into something beautiful. Something sustainable. Something that remains". Matthew Fox
We are not consumers. For most of humanity’s existence, we were makers, not consumers: we made our clothes, shelter, and education, we hunted and gathered our food. We are not addicts. “I propose that most addictions come from our surrendering our real powers, that is, our powers of creativity.” We are not passive couch potatoes either. “It is not the essence of humans to be passive. We are players. We are actors on many stages…. We are curious, we are yearning to wonder, we are longing to be amazed… to be excited, to be enthusiastic, to be expressive. In short to be alive.” We are also not cogs in a machine. To be so would be to give up our personal freedoms so as to not upset The Machine, whatever that machine is. Creativity keeps us creating the life we wish to live and advancing humanity’s purpose as well. Matthew Fox
Where does creativity come from? Creativity comes from the Universe itself. “There is music and poetry in the Universe itself – surely we hear it on planet earth.” And Creativity comes from our joys and sorrows, our deep-hearted experiences. It also comes “from and in the heart of God. All our spiritual traditions the world over agree that creativity follows through the human heart and that it flows from the Divine Heart.”Creativity is seen as a spiritual, inwardly-driven activity, directly influenced by a Higher Power, or God. That is the ultimate in inspiration for me: to know I have “permission” to be creative and to be a creator too. Matthew Fox
The essence of prayer even of a mystical experience is the way we are altered to see everything from its life-filled dimension. Matthew Fox
I've always been into cars. Cars are part of our genetic makeup. It's unavoidable. Matthew Fox
I'm sorry, but I can't make a movie with the blonde from 'ER' who is starring in every single bad romantic comedy. Matthew Fox