6 Quotes & Sayings By Mat Johnson

Mat Johnson is the author of the comic series "The Style Hunt" and "The New York 2." He also serves as a writer for the HBO series, "Boardwalk Empire." He was previously a staff writer for the FX comedy "Louie." He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Laura.

I was a boy that age once, and I know that 97.7 percent of their bodies are semen and the 2.8 percent is an incendiary device for spraying it. Mat Johnson
Forgiveness comes later in life, after you've created enough disasters of your own. Mat Johnson
I'm watching you, big boy, my eyes say, but his are closed so it's an optical monologue. Mat Johnson
Every misogynist came out of a woman. Mat Johnson
People aren't social, they're tribal. Race doesn't exist, but tribes are fucking real. Mat Johnson