4 Quotes & Sayings By Mark L Baynard

Mark L. Baynard is the founder and president of Baynard Education, Inc. He spent the last twenty-five years building Baynard Education, Inc., a leading provider of education and assessment services in the field of gifted education. In his professional life, he has been a classroom teacher, certified college instructor, program director of gifted programs, and an educational consultant to local school districts Read more

He is on the board of directors of the National Center for Gifted Education and served for thirty-five years on the board of directors of North Carolina Association of Gifted Education (NCAGE). He is a Fellow of the International Society for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, an advisor to LEAPnet.

I believed almost every negative thing that I ever heard someone say about me. Mark L. Baynard
I kept running until someone saw the chase and hid me inside their house. Mark L. Baynard
Freedom comes with a price while bondage takes hold without notice Mark L. Baynard