3 Quotes & Sayings By Mariecor Ruediger

Mariecor Ruediger was born in 1982 in Dornbirn. He grew up in a family of musicians and music teachers. In 2000, he started his career as a guitar player in different bands. In 2007, he got the chance to be a founding member of the legendary punk band "Die Verpilzten" (the vermin) Read more

In 2008, he took over the position of playing bass, and since then he has been touring all over Europe. He has played in bands like "Rita Rudinette", "Die Spiele vorverlagt", "Friedrichs" and many others.

Mystique saturates, gluts the air, Adventure’s even more than rare, Excitement’s everywhere to share, And Novelty’s beyond compare. Mariecor Ruediger
Beacon, beacon, lonesome on a hill– Waves run aground, pound ‘round, what a thrill! Water water everywhere crashes, Shore’s not lazy for it mashes, bashes…. Summer’s when tourists traipse o’er to see you, Offering to wipe-wash your dust and mildew; Summer painters place you with dinghy and gull, Historians have you as subject o’er which to mull. When feline Fog drifts gently or is heavy, Your bright light’s followed by boat bevy; And during those calm, clear days and nights You’re that upright nautical dream exciting tiny tykes. Mariecor Ruediger