3 Quotes & Sayings By M Robinson

M. Robinson is the author of the #1 bestselling book, The Playbook: How to Become a High-Performing CEO and a Superior Leader, a New York Times Best Seller. She is a leading authority on high-performing teams and the role of senior leadership in business. Her research studies have been featured by USA Today, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, and The Wall Street Journal Read more

She is a member of the faculty at Columbia University's Business School and co-hosts the podcast Strategic Leadership with M. Robinson and Lauri Leboeuf.

When I saw him at the cemetry. I didn't even realize I was walking toward him until I was standing in front of him. It was like beging pulled by a string he was controlling. Luring me right to him. Then when we spoke, I could see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice.. he loves me. And not in the 'I love you, I love you, too' kind of way. It's in the 'You're are my person, my lobster, my everything, ' and that alone tells me that what we had was true. M. Robinson
People can be whatever you want them to be. I am perfect example of that. On the inside, everything is wrong, all of it is misplaced, and nothing holds secure. I was never pretty enough, I was never good enough, I was never smart enough, I was just never enough. They needed flawlessness and excellence, and on the outside, I portrayed it to a T. But on the inside, I was dying. Damaged goods. At least when you buy something broken you can return it, but what do you do when that´s not an option, When you have no choice but to wake up every morning with a smile on your face because that´s what people expect. M. Robinson