3 Quotes & Sayings By Luna Demasi

Luna was born in Southern California, but grew up in the Mid-Atlantic. She was actually named "Luna" but her parents decided to change it to "DeMasi". She is Puerto Rican by blood and Italian by culture. Luna's work focuses on being yourself Read more

She does not believe in stereotyping people, no matter how they are perceived. She thinks all people are beautiful, have unique talents, and they deserve love and respect. "It's only natural that you're different from other people."

Fear is a prison in which we place ourselves. You need only to press against the bars to realize that the door is always unlocked, and you are always free to leave. Luna DeMasi
People spend their entire lives fearing the very thing you apparently crave. They do anything they can to delay the process or fool themselves into believing it’s farther away than it actually is. With every passing year, with every milestone, they only feel more anxiety, more inclination to defeat this inevitability of nature, only to realize that they’ve fostered an entire life of crippling fear, wasted on the fixation of its end. And there you sit, begging for it. . Luna DeMasi