3 Quotes & Sayings By Ludwig Boltzmann

Ludwig Boltzmann was an Austrian physicist who is credited with the establishment of statistical mechanics, a branch of physics that deals with the collection and analysis of data on the motion of atoms and molecules. Boltzmann's most important contribution to physics is his 1872 paper "On the Formulation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics". This paper shows that entropy, the amount of randomness in a system, decreases over time. Boltzmann also introduced the concept of entropy in his 1877 work "On the Relative States of Potentia" Read more

He was awarded the 1902 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on statistical mechanics.

If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance...
If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor. Ludwig Boltzmann
Bring forward what is true. Write it so that it...
Bring forward what is true. Write it so that it is clear. Defend it to your last breath. Ludwig Boltzmann