4 Quotes & Sayings By Louis Bayard

Louis Bayard was born in Paris, France, in 1922. He was educated in the United States and the Soviet Union before earning his Ph.D. at Harvard University in 1956. He became an assistant professor of biology at Oberlin College, Ohio, in 1957 and spent the rest of his career there until his retirement in 1989 Read more

Many of Louis Bayard's papers are archived at Oberlin College.

Well, as to that, all I'll say is, you can't...
Well, as to that, all I'll say is, you can't take out a fellow's heart before he's ready to give it up. Louis Bayard
You are asking us to lie, Colonel?""I am asking you to omit. Surely, amidst the...the infinite gradations of human venality, that particular sin ranks low." The old man kneaded the folds of his throat. "What happened out there belongs out there. The jungle has it; let the jungle keep it... Louis Bayard
After all these years, his best friend is malaria. Even on the brink of an Alaska summer, it comes calling: a bone-deep chill one night, a ministry of sweat the next. Calling him back to old battles. Louis Bayard