6 Quotes & Sayings By Liz Williams

Liz Williams is the author of the critically acclaimed bestselling book "Last Night", about a relationship that unfolds under the shadow of a horrific crime. The sequel, "Last Day", was published in 2015. Both are available in print, Kindle and audio formats. Her most recent novel is "Still Here", about a young woman's search for the truth about her mother's death Read more

Liz has written for many publications including The Sunday Times, The Telegraph and The Independent on Sunday magazines and has been the first female winner of the Writer's Guild Award for New Drama. She is co-founder and managing director of the literary agency, Black Swan Literary.

The whole justification for having such a bureaucratic system in the first place is so that balance is maintained, and so that one institution doesn't benefit at the expense of all others. Imagine the chaos that would ensue on Earth and in Hell if the Ministry of War were perpetually triumphant! Humans would be decimated and half of Hell would be out of a job. Liz Williams
By keeping the price of treatment drugs artificially high, and making sure that only those who can afford it have the opportunity of a cure, we're actually supporting the work that the Ministry of Epidemics does. I mean, look at Africa and our liaison with the Underworld there. Liz Williams
Typical of Hell, thought Chen: overdone and ostentatious and overwhelming, designed to cow an already beaten populace." Wow" he said. The demon grinned sympathetically." It is a bit excessive, isn't it?"" Who does it belong to?"" My employer is the First Lord of Banking. Head of the Ministry of Wealth. Liz Williams
There are a few people who are, let's say, personality-challenged, who would like to set up a cult, but in large part they fail due to the innate stroppiness and independence of their fellow pagans. Liz Williams
I've written a detective series myself, set in an imaginary, and slightly futuristic, Chinese city. The novels have an extremely tenuous relationship with the real world, since the hero is the city's Hell and ends up with a sidekick who is a demon. Liz Williams