3 Quotes & Sayings By Liz Stephens

Liz Stephens has been writing since she was a kid. She started writing fan fiction and fancy poetry in high school, and continued the practice into her college years. After she graduated college, she became a copy editor and writer for various websites and worked in that field for over 10 years. She loves to write, though, and began penning novels in 2015.

I am beginning to understand the way in which memories hold us, mindfully, to the earth, by the quality of attention paid that they require to be made at all. Liz Stephens
Of course she'll move away from me, and likely from here, because she is my daughter, because she is a daughter in the twenty-first century. But we can be her fall-back plan, and her stash of memories. Her deep and wide past. Liz Stephens