9 Quotes & Sayings By Kygo

Kygo is a Norwegian DJ, record producer and remixer who grew up in Reykjavik, Iceland. He has been part of the electronic dance music (EDM) scene since the early 2000s and is one of the most successful DJs in Europe, performing in front of sold out arenas worldwide. Kygo has become one of the most successful DJs in Europe, performing in front of sold out arenas worldwide. He was nominated for a Grammy for Best Dance Recording in 2016 and has won the EDM Awards (UK) twice, becoming the first DJ to win twice.

I've really enjoyed working together with Apple to help launch their new streaming service. It is really cool to see Apple getting involved. Kygo
I've been a sports fan forever. Kygo
There's just a completely different vibe at festivals. Everyone gets to hang out and enjoy their favorite music all day. I really do try and play as many festivals as possible! Kygo
I feel like music can affect you in so many ways. When you hear a song with a happy melody, it can change your mood; it can change your day. Kygo
I just like playing songs with happy vibes and good feelings. Kygo
I wouldn't be where I am without my fans, and I am very thankful for them. Kygo
I started studying business and finance in Edinburgh as a backup plan. I was still making music many hours a day, and when I was at university, the electronic music boom started really taking off globally. Kygo
When I travel too much, it affects the music, and that is the most important thing. As long as I make good music, I can play shows, but if the music starts getting bad, the show offers won't come. Kygo