11 Quotes & Sayings By Kim Chestney

Kim Chestney is a professional speaker and author of the book "Mental Toughness: How to survive and thrive in an emotional world". Kim is also a published writer and is often asked to contribute to various print and online publications.Kim was the keynote speaker for the 2011 National Speakers Association conference in Chicago and was a keynote speaker at the 2012 National Speakers Association conference in San Diego. She has been featured on radio shows such as "Life Today" on 1050 AM, "On The Line" on WFAN, and is interviewed by "The Long Island Press" weekly.

Enlightenment is not a goal to be attained, it is...
Enlightenment is not a goal to be attained, it is a state-of-being to be regained. Kim Chestney
Enlightenment is at the source of everything. From it, flows our Intuition and our creative energy. It is the delta of the human spirit ~ what we innately seek to return to, as we find ourselves lost in this world. Kim Chestney
Technology is important to Art because it connects creativity with innovation and the spirit of inventiveness. Whether we are using technology to create our art, or to share our art, it challenges artists to explore new realms of aesthetic experience and cultural relevance. But, on the other hand, Art is important to Technology for the most important reason of all. Art gives Technology its humanity. And our humanity is the driving force behind every new technology we design and every product we manufacture. We are all makers. Without creativity, we don’t make anything. If we don’t make anything, we don’t progress. Kim Chestney
Creativity is a talent we inherit from God. Kim Chestney
There are no ordinary people. The blur or everyday reality has created a world in which most of us have forgotten our unique and sacred existence...it is [our] true self, once discovered, that enables us to understand more clearly the nature of our world, and our own existence. Kim Chestney
We are all blessed ones. Heaven is no longer in the clouds. It is right here, all around us, everywhere; we must only open our eyes to see it. Kim Chestney
An eternity of wisdom and life lies waiting for discovery by those who are willing to embark on the mystical adventure. All of our resources are within us. All we need is our heart, our mind and the will to be something better than we are. Kim Chestney
The soul itself is the center of all that we have come to call 'psychic.' The word itself translates literally to mean "of the soul." When we embrace our psychic potential, we embrace our soul's potential. Kim Chestney
Our Intuition is the beacon that guides us to peace, and navigates us through the treacherous Karmic waters. Kim Chestney
When we embrace our Intuition, be embrace a new way of living... The intuitive process is an adventure. There are new discoveries around every corner, and we always have the power to change our lives. Kim Chestney