7 Quotes & Sayings By Kaylin Mcfarren

Kaylin McFarren is an author, blogger, and speaker. She has written five books in the time-travel romance genre (Lost in the Future, The Time Travelers’ Guide to Love, The Time Travelers Guide To Coffee, The Time Travelers Guide to Making A Living in the New Millennium, and The Time Travelers Guide to Enriching Your Life). She has appeared on numerous talk shows including Oprah, Dr. Phil, and The View (to discuss her books) Read more

Kaylin was also interviewed for Good Morning America's "What Would You Do If You Could Change the Past" segment that aired on January 15, 2011. Kaylin has been featured in Forbes Magazine, USA Today, CNN Money, People Magazine, and she has been profiled in O Magazine. Kaylin is the founder of the Time Travelers' Collective which serves as a platform for others to share their time travel stories with others interested in learning about this lifestyle.

After 40 years of marriage, isn’t it amazing when you...
After 40 years of marriage, isn’t it amazing when you can look at your partner sound asleep next to you and still believe they have potential. Kaylin McFarren
As Sloan approached the door, Paul Lyons lifted his eyes to watch her leave. He found himself wondering why after all these years they couldn’t manage to get along for a lousy twenty minutes. Perhaps it was the result of their inability to compromise–to give each other the benefit of the doubt. Or maybe they’d both simply lost the ability to trust another human being and believe anything good could come of this world. . Kaylin McFarren
Rachel slid inside her silver Kia and slammed the car door, grateful that the museum’s security guard was now watching from a distance. If he hadn’t been, she might have acted on a homicidal impulse and run Chase over, the manipulative jerk. In fact, it made her feel better just to imagine it. Kaylin McFarren
Never settle for normal, Miss Lyons, ” Shinzo told her. “Normal is not natural. Extraordinary is natural, and that’s why you’re here. To do something extraordinary. Kaylin McFarren
You see, Katie, " Pastor Ron said, "that’s what makes faith so tough to grasp, but also makes it so wonderful. It’s all about believing in something–whether it’s God, or other people, or even yourself–when you’ve got nothing else to go on. Nothing but a little voice inside telling you it’s more than a hunch. Kaylin McFarren
You haven’t got a clue, Devon, ” Akira spat out. “I would have chosen any life other than the one I have. I envy your naïveté. Your belief in the possibility of love. I know you don’t understand any of this or who I am, but I was like you at one time. I only wanted to see the best in people. To believe this world was filled with hope and kindness.” Her bitterness was apparent. “I thought compassion came with understanding…with seeing inside a person’s heart and knowing their true mind. But I was wrong. Nothing in this world is what it seems. . Kaylin McFarren