15 Quotes & Sayings By Jim C Hines

A writer of short stories, novels, young adult fiction, and poetry. His work has been featured in the anthologies The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, The Big Book of Science Fiction, The Best American Short Stories, and others. He is the author of the novels Among Others (winner of the Locus Award for Best Young Adult Novel), A Crown of Swords (winner of the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel), Firefight (winner of the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel), and The Emperor's Blades (winner of the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel). His short fiction has appeared in the magazines Asimov's Science Fiction, Analog Science Fiction & Fact, F&SF, Lightspeed, Nature, Nightmare Magazine, Transformation, and many others Read more

He lives in Virginia with his wife and three children.

Your religious beliefs are your business. They are not and should not be the basis for law. If you use them as justification to discriminate against others, don’t be upset when others decide you’re an asshole."] Jim C. Hines
I like big books and I cannot lie. You other readers can’t deny That when a kid walks in with The Name of the WindLike a hardbound brick of win. Story bling. Wanna swipe that thing Cause you see that boy is speeding Right through the book he’s reading. I’m hooked and I can’t stop pleading. Wanna curl up with that for ages, All thousand pages. Reviewers tried to warn me. But with that plot you hooked Me like Bradley.Ooh, crack that fat spine. You know I wanna make you mine. This book is stella ’cause it ain’t some quick novella. . Jim C. Hines
Trust is a choice. Actually, trust is more of a desperate, hopeful guess based on limited information. Jim C. Hines
The sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who might have worked, having been canonically established as being ineffective on wood, but nobody had ever figured out how to use the controls on the blasted thing. Jim C. Hines
I had said before that all stories were magic. It had never occurred to me that all magic was stories. Jim C. Hines
As was often the case, Magic just chuckled and kicked physics in the balls, leaving it groaning and wondering what just happened. Jim C. Hines
Every libromancer had a first book. Etched more sharply into my memory than my first kiss, this book had been my magical awakening. Jim C. Hines
Can we all pause a moment to appreciate the artistry of that sentence? "Sitting casually on the floor, a guard sat..." That's freaking art right there! Someone nominate this thing for the Hugo Award already! Jim C. Hines
On a related note, I think for many of us, the first step in becoming a good writer is to write crap. In all seriousness, none of us are born knowing how to write. Almost all of us will produce a lot of really lousy stories before we start to get good. (Not all of us will choose to publish those lousy stories, but that's a whole separate discussion...) Jim C. Hines
I’ve said for years – ever since I figured out how to write Goblin Hero – that it’s important to give yourself permission to write crap. Perfection is the destroyer of art. It’s paralyzing. Art, whether it’s writing or painting or anything else, requires risk. And risk means you’re going to make mistakes. Sometimes you’re going to fail. Jim C. Hines
Some people would say it's a bad idea to bring a fire-spider into a public library. Those people would probably be right, but it was better than leaving him alone in the house for nine hours straight. The one time I tried, Smudge had expressed his displeasure by burning through the screen that covered his tank, burrowing into my laundry basket, and setting two weeks' worth of clothes ablaze. Jim C. Hines
But 'I worked hard on this' doesn’t exempt you from criticism. Those harsh reviews aren’t about anyone being out to get me. It’s not an Authors vs. Reviewers thing. It’s people taking the time to express their opinions because they care about this s Jim C. Hines
...bookstores, libraries... they're the closest thing I have to a church. Jim C. Hines
A zombie amusement park sounds like fun, but the health code violations alone are enough to turn your stomach. Jim C. Hines