8 Quotes & Sayings By Jill Soloway

Jill Soloway is an Emmy-Award winning writer and producer. She created, executive produced and wrote for the award-winning series Transparent, which was nominated for four Golden Globes and ten Primetime Emmy Awards. She created, executive produced and wrote for the feature film Afternoon Delight, which was nominated for two Independent Spirit Awards. Jill also created and executive produced the HBO series Six Feet Under and The United States of Tara Read more

Jill is currently writing a pilot for HBO about a family in crisis.

I love the Army-Navy surplus store Surplus Value Center. They have really good long underwear and multicolored bandanas, cool camo jackets, and really, really scary-looking knives. If you're into that sort of thing. Jill Soloway
At East Side Jews, we can take a risk because it isn't all about the rules. I started it to create a space for all those people who wouldn't go to temple because they were scared of getting the rules wrong. Jill Soloway
On Sunday morning, it's Brooklyn Bagels on Beverly Boulevard. We get them hot. Then we walk some of the famous Silver Lake steps or hike in the hills to the highest vantage point to see the reservoir. Jill Soloway
I guess a show like 'Entourage' would be wish fulfillment, right? But 'Entourage' is wish fulfillment for men. It's that you can be kind of schlumpy-looking and have access to someone famous and find yourself at a pool party surrounded by girls in bikinis. Jill Soloway
I always love the soapy conflicts between somebody's family of origin and their new family - 'Do I have Thanksgiving at my husband's parents' house, or at my parents' house?' Jill Soloway
I took all my TV experience and what I learned about - by writing and directing and bringing a movie to Sundance - about the realities of the independent film market: 'Transparent' is the marriage of those two situations. Jill Soloway
It's really easy to do sad you just put on some sad music and write dramatically - everybody can do that. Jill Soloway