17 Quotes & Sayings By Jessica Kristie

Jessica Kristie was born in London, England to a Zimbabwean father and Irish mother. At the age of ten, she moved with her family to Lagos, Nigeria, where she lived for seven years. Her love for storytelling began at the age of six, when she told stories to her sisters at night while they were sleeping. At twelve, she wrote her first story Read more

"It's Time to Tell" was published in 2005. Jessica's other published works include "The Road Home" (2005), "Bitter Taste in the Mouth" (2006), and "The Child" (2007). Jessica currently lives in London with her husband and young son, and is working on a new novel.

Through windows, in wishing wells, whispering in the wind...that's where I find you. Jessica Kristie
In that wounded place, buried betweenmy ribs and letting go, I miss you. Jessica Kristie
I die a little, In the echo of your silence. Jessica Kristie
I was just an option. Blown easily to piecesand offered to the skyby the sweet laced painupon your lips. Jessica Kristie
I can't love anymore. Except for you... I love you so much it hurts to breathe. Jessica Kristie
Bridge burned from end to end, and I don't miss you anymore. You delivered silence I've birthed freedom. Jessica Kristie
You are the poemthat sticks in my throatteaching me to whisperwith the voice of my heart. Jessica Kristie
I've never seen beauty so devastatingas in the linesthat trace our hopeand fall from the stars. Jessica Kristie
Steep fall to the groundshatteringlike clay pigeons missed by bad shotsand unsteady hands. Jessica Kristie
Broken.As I search for hope, In the same eyes I lost it. Jessica Kristie
I build boxesand place them at your feet, to measure the distance between dreams and reality. Jessica Kristie
I bleed to un-break you, un-mending me. I fall to save you...now who will save me. Jessica Kristie
I balance you on the end of my pen. Teetering between loveand letting go. Jessica Kristie
Careful.The fall is quick, steep, and permanent. Jessica Kristie
I need to work on me. The mewithout you. Jessica Kristie
Birthing hope from the madnessthat perches on the fenceof our once perfectdreams. Jessica Kristie