18 Quotes & Sayings By Jesse Petersen

Jesse Petersen is a self-help, personal development author that seeks to help people achieve their goals through the power of positive thinking and actionable steps. Jesse is a husband and father who has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Forbes Magazine, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur.com, Real Simple, Inc., Entrepreneur.com, Fast Company Online Magazine, The Huffington Post, Real Simple Magazine and numerous other media outlets. He has been featured in the Oprah Winfrey Show and on CNN with Piers Morgan. Jesse is a contributor for Common Sense Media and Real Simple Magazine Read more

He has been a guest speaker at conferences such as the National Association of Professional Organizers and the National Association of Self-Help Professionals. His work has been featured in magazines such as Forbes, Real Simple Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine.

Make requests, not demands.example: “please” kill that zombie honey, I’m out of bullets. Jesse Petersen
Support your partner in their interests. You never know when batting practice, kung fu movie moves, or even a poker night might come in handy during a zombie infestation. Jesse Petersen
Make requests, not demands. "Please" kill that zombie, honey, I'm out of bullets. Jesse Petersen
Build mutual friendships. Just be ready to end them when your friends start trying to eat you. Jesse Petersen
I should have known that having "end of the world" sex wouldn't solve our problems. Though, it was pretty great and I highly recommend it. Jesse Petersen
Because I'm not really certain she'd make the best travel partner through a zombie-infested city, he hissed. She gets confused by Scrabble. Jesse Petersen
So you killed him with what now?"" I tried that Dr. Phil book at first"..." And I finished it off with the toilet seat. Just so you know, you left it up again. That drives me crazy. Jesse Petersen
Admit when you're wrong. It doesn't fix a busted leg, of course, but it's a nice gesture none-the-less. Jesse Petersen
Share in your activities and interests. If you are going to kill zombies anyway, why not do it together? Jesse Petersen
Present a united front: YOU against the zombies. Jesse Petersen
Talk openly about important issues like money, sex, and religion. They can affect your life and happiness a great deal. Especially when it comes to cults. Jesse Petersen
Show physical affection. Nothing says "I love you" like bearing the entirety of your spouse's weight. Jesse Petersen
You are your partner are on the same side - it's the side of the living. Jesse Petersen
Men are from Mars. Zombies are from Hell. Jesse Petersen
Have you ever wanted to smash a car? Or break a television? Or maybe burn a big fire in the middle of a city square? If the answer is yes, then you'd have some fun during a zombie infestation. It's the little moments, you know? Jesse Petersen
Don't discuss your relationship problems with friends. Your zombie problems are another story entirely. Jesse Petersen
And then, anger gave way to pure and simple job satisfaction. I mean, when I looked at a dead zombie head on a spike, I thought, "Hey, I did that. Picasso would have been proud. Especially how I rearranged that eye Jesse Petersen