18 Quotes & Sayings By Jackson Taviri

Jackson Taviri is a professional Speaker, Trainer, and Coach. He has a passion for helping people improve their lives and their businesses. He is also well-respected in the tech world as well as in the fitness and lifestyle industries. His speaking style is direct, entertaining, and inspiring Read more

Jackson does not shy away from controversial topics such as politics or religion. His speech topics range from youth issues to self-improvement to fitness and entrepreneurship.

The best can never stop coming because there are always...
The best can never stop coming because there are always better ways of being the best. Jackson Taviri
It is hard to be kind to those who smack...
It is hard to be kind to those who smack the hands that feed you. Jackson Taviri
Liers cannot be lied to because they know everything can...
Liers cannot be lied to because they know everything can be a lie. Jackson Taviri
Assumptions made by others indicates clearly how much people envy your blessings. Jackson Taviri
The toughest competition you can ever face is between you and your emotion.would you get the best of it or let it get the best of you Jackson Taviri
There are two things that govern life. It is Positivity and Negativity.You can see life with a Positive eye or drag yourself into a Negative Action. Jackson Taviri
Some things have a natural way of solving themselves. Sometimes you just have to let it go and observe it get solved. Jackson Taviri
Mountains were made to climb, therefore dont cry when you see one. Jackson Taviri
Out of all the things in life sometimes its the kindness you cant repay that really hurt. Jackson Taviri
A man without a good heart is like a roaring fire in a dry field.he damages wherever he sets foot and moves on. Jackson Taviri
Everyone is unique in their own special way. Jackson Taviri
Sometimes we have to go through hell to get to heaven. It is because when you on your journey the road isn't always straight and easy. Jackson Taviri
There are secrets in life. You just have to understand how to unlock them Jackson Taviri
How can things get done if you behave like what you despise. Jackson Taviri
Fear is something explorers lacked, therefore, they discovered great wonders. Jackson Taviri
True friends are ones who hurt you for your own good. Jackson Taviri
Love is like a prison..difficult to breakout, painful to get caught and easier to get in. Jackson Taviri