5 Quotes & Sayings By Isabelle Joshua

Isabelle Joshua is a French writer, currently living in Paris. She is a recipient of literary prizes including the Prix des Lectrices d'Orange and the Prix Michel Leiris. Her books include Les Filles du soleil et des ombres (The girls of the sun and the shadows), published by Actes Sud in 2001, and L'Adieu aux belles-lettres (The goodbye to the beautiful letters) published by Fayard in January 2012.

Rachel moans, “Great. Well, he’s not the only one sexually frustrated.” I laugh. “Well, then get over these issues so you both can be relieved.”“ How’s Alex?” She raises an eyebrow at me.“ I’m sure fine, ” I say defensively. “I haven’t seen him in a few weeks.”“ Really? I thought he made a nightly appearance.” “Rachel, those dreams aren’t him. It’s my f’ed up brain replaying my memories as a form of torture.. Isabelle Joshua
Ah, I love this; I love...your mouth on me.” He feels so good. Ah. His fingers replace his tongue. My emotions bubble up to the surface, screaming for release. I want to tell him how I feel. My eyes gloss with tears. I love him. I love you. I love you. Alex, I love you. Isabelle Joshua
He stops walking and grasps both of my hands to stop me. He narrows his eyes at me. "You’ve never been tickled? Ever?” His lips curl in a wickedly sexy smile. “You’re a tickle…virgin?” I nod and tilt my head down, looking demure. He makes it sound so erotic. I finally find my voice. “It wasn’t a virginity I ever focused on. Isabelle Joshua
Um, well, I’ve been working out with Alex. Today just happened to be right after our workout, ” Craig admits finally.“ Really, ” I say dripping with sarcasm. “And you failed to mention this earlier? You ran off so abruptly for your tryst. I should’ve suspected something illicit was occurring.” Alex erupts in laughter looking at Craig. “You didn’t tell her. Isabelle Joshua