5 Quotes & Sayings By Ida Tarbell

Ida Tarbell was a writer and investigative journalist in the early 1900s. She wrote in many forms, including magazine articles, novels, and biographies. Her most popular work was The Life of John D. Rockefeller (1906), which she co-authored with Ray Stannard Baker Read more

She also wrote a biography of Samuel Gompers, which was later made into a play by Maxwell Anderson and a film by Frank Capra.

A mind which really lays hold of a subject is not easily detached from it. Ida Tarbell
The first and most imperative necessity in war is money, for money means everything else - men, guns, ammunition. Ida Tarbell
There is no man more dangerous, in a position of power, than he who refuses to accept as a working truth the idea that all a man does should make for rightness and soundness, that even the fixing of a tariff rate must be moral. Ida Tarbell
Imagination is the only key to the future. Without it none exists - with it all things are possible. Ida Tarbell