3 Quotes & Sayings By Ida Hattemerhiggins

Ida Hattemer-Higgins was born in Germany and immigrated to the United States in 1892. She was a well known artist and lithographer who worked with the famous photographer Edward Steichen on many of his famous photographs. In her later years, she was a social activist and successfully campaigned for women's suffrage and the right to vote. Her artwork has been preserved in the Library of Congress and other museums.

Going around in life using German, which Margaret had learned only a few years before, was like walking around in high heels--although it drove up the aesthetic rush of going out on the town, it was dreadfully uncomfortable after a while, and there were certain places you couldn't go Ida HattemerHiggins
She stood in the mirror portrait very near Margaret, close next to her, good as a mother or a friend. Ida HattemerHiggins