4 Quotes & Sayings By Hume Nisbet

Hume Nisbet was born in North Carolina in 1885. He was an actor turned newspaper man in Charlotte, NC. During World War I he became a war correspondent in Europe for the "Charlotte News" and the "Atlanta Journal." Returning home, he became editor of the "Journal," which he led to significant circulation growth. It was during this time that Nisbet began his writing career when he wrote two nationally syndicated newspaper columns Read more

He continued to write long-form articles for newspapers throughout his life. His second book, Facts You Should Know About Georgia, was published in 1948 by Georgia State University Press.

They were both young men under thirty. Art is not so precocious as literature, and does not send quite so many early potatoes into the market, so that the age of thirty is considered young enough for a painter to have learnt his business sufficiently to be marketable from the picture-dealing point of view. ("The Phantom Model") Hume Nisbet
Through silent alleys where dark shadows fleeted past them like forest beasts on the prowl; through bustling market-places where bloaters predominated, into crammed gin-palaces where the gas flashed over faces whereon was stamped the indelible impression of a protest against creation; brushing tatters which were in gruesome harmony with the haggard or bloated features.(" The Phantom Model Hume Nisbet
When a man devotes himself body and spirit to a single object, if he has training and aptitude, no matter how mediocre he may be in ordinary affairs, he will produce something so nearly akin to a work of genius as to deceive half the judges who think themselves competent to decide between genius and talent.(" The Phantom Model") Hume Nisbet