3 Quotes & Sayings By Hilary Boyd

Hilary Boyd is a bestselling author and editor of over 30 romance novels. She's the founder and CEO of Love Bytes, a digital publishing company with a focus on romance and erotica. She has written and edited romance and science fiction and fantasy novels since 2002, including the award-winning series KISSED BY AN ANGEL by C.H. Redwine, as well as contemporary romance for Pocket Star Books under the pseudonym Kadie Steele Read more

Her latest novel, MAGIC WALK by Elizabeth Hoyt, was released by Pocket Books in April 2013.

Sixty is heaven, " she [bohemian Aunt Norma] told Jeanie as they sat having tea. "The world is done with you, you become to all intents and purposes invisible, particularly if you are a woman. I like to think of it as your third life. There's childhood, then adult conformity - work, family, responsibility - then just when everyone assumes it's all over and you're on the scrap heap of old age, freedom! You can finally be who you are, not what society wants you to be, not who 'you' think you ought to be. . Hilary Boyd
But Jeanie had just gone through the motions. No one would have realized, except perhaps her too-perceptive son-in-law, but that was one of the few perks of maturity: you knew how to dissemble. Hilary Boyd