3 Quotes & Sayings By Gary Starta

Gary Starta is a 30-year veteran of the video game industry and the co-founder and CEO of Archetype Studios. He has been named "game designer of the year" by PC Gamer magazine and received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Game Developer magazine. Starta's credits include:  Diablo ,  The Elder Scrolls series,  The Sims,  Mass Effect: Andromeda , and  World of Warcraft .

It's hard to be a bright light in a dim world. Gary Starta
I smiled. “You mean like a psychic imprint? I know your assistant director of the Preternatural Division, and I mean no disrespect, but I never got the feeling you believed in magic as an investigative tool.' From the book 9 Incarnate - Caitlin Diggs Series Gary Starta