3 Quotes & Sayings By Fs Michaels

F.S. Michaels is the author of more than twenty books, including The Soul's Code, which has sold over 800,000 copies in hardback and has been translated into seven languages. He has worked in hospitals for fifteen years, primarily as a psychiatric physician, and his practice is primarily psychiatry-oriented. His articles on self-improvement have appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers, including "Reader's Digest," "Christian Science Monitor," "New Age Journal," "Penthouse," "Reader's Digest," and "Architectural Digest." He lives in New York City with his wife.

When you conform to the monoculture's version of who you are and what the world is like, you lose your freedom along with your ability to be truly innovative in terms of your own life. Being able to draw on many different stories, not just the economic one, allows you to creatively and authentically meet the challenges that face you in your life. The monoculture, determinedly single-minded, insists that economic values and assumptions can be used to solve your problems, whether those problems are spiritual, political, intellectual, or relational. F.S. Michaels
According to the economic story, you're free to enter and exit the world of markets as you please. As a buyer, you're free to choose whether to buy something or not. If you want something and can afford to pay for it, it's yours. If nothing pleases you, you can "vote with your dollar" and buy nothing. In practice, if you're less mobile than others in the world of markets somehow, perhaps because you're a child or a senior, or are poor, or have learning disabilities or mental health issues, you don't have the same access to the market as others do who are more independent Instead, you'll likely find it hard to identify your choices and make the best choice, which you need to be able to do for the market to operate efficiently, or you may not have enough money to enter the market to begin with. Sometimes your "best choice" isn't much of a choice at all; if your two options are to starve or to buy bread at extortion rates from the only seller in town, your "freedom" to enter or exit the market doesn't amount to much. F.S. Michaels