23 Quotes About Illustration

The best quotes are those that make you think and inspire you to do more. Illustration quotes are the next level up, we love them for this reason. The best thing about these illustration quotes is that they are true to life, so you can relate them to the situations you are in all the time. They are also beautiful and heart-warming, so they are sure to bring a smile to your face.

My life will be the best illustration of all my...
My life will be the best illustration of all my work. Hans Christian Andersen
Inspire someone today. Your action can change that person’s life forever. Gellaworks
The ultimate story of success: When a nobody, who has never once in his entire life known the feeling of being remembered or respected, suddenly snaps and becomes a world dictator. On one hand it sounds just, but on the other, it illustrates the reason why a prosperity message has and needs its limitations. Criss Jami
From an illustration in her "Animals of a Bygone Era": a Leptictidium, an extinct rabbit-like animal who left no descendants, says: "Too bad, because we were really cute. Unknown
A storyteller, a displaced poet, will absorb reading differently. Richard Brookhiser
Inking is meditation in liquid form... J.H. Everett
At a certain point you have to leave childish things behind, and one of the childish things is a sense that 'Wow, I can draw' or in my case 'Wow, I can read'.. You feel you have what's called a talent, but as you become an adult, if you hope to make things, you have to give up the preoccupation with talent otherwise you'll spend your life painting beautiful pictures of fruit bowls that look like fruit bowls. Zadie Smith
To demonstrate the nature of one who would enter the kingdom is to use an illustration Sunday Adelaja
Art is the reflection of pure emotion and mind, the nature of sensation. An artist illustrates that. Unarine Ramaru
Om is the things, Om is the ingredient, Om is the container and the content of this universe. Banani Ray
Om is that God of love. Like a loving mother Om cleans us of our clutters collected through many incarnations. Banani Ray
There are certain truths that occurs to us, which we cannot convey in words, but requires a personal experience to grasp more vividly. Michael Bassey Johnson
I am Not, but the Universe is my Self. Shihtou
I had a dream about you last night. I was writing a ‘Sex for dummies- Christians That Secretly What to be Porn Stars- 1st edition.’ And you helped me with the illustrations. Crystal Woods
The verbal patterns and the patterns of behavior we present to children in these lighthearted confections are likely to influence them for the rest of their lives. These aesthetic impressions, just like the moral teachings of early childhood, remain indelible. Esphyr Slobodkina
The deeper the illustration the strengthened the value Sunday Adelaja
An imperfect creative expression is much more sensible and creative than a grammatically perfect expression without an iota of sense and value in it. Michael Bassey Johnson
If I live... I will live unafraid... I will live so all can see, I am not ashamed of who I am or what I'm designed to be! "- The Great Mephisto Unknown
Before he got too far, he thought he smelled a fire. No sooner did he blink before he sensed something dire. He heard a sound and froze, danger tickling his nose. His ears perked up as tiny cries of capture rose. J.Z. Bingham
As the boat drew nearer to shore, and tiny dots in the distance became seagulls, she opened the book across her lap and gazed at the beautiful black-and-white sketch of a woman and a deer side by side in the clearing of a thorny forest. And somehow, though she could not read the words, the little girl realized the she knew this picture's tale. Of a young princess who traveled a great distance across the sea to find a precious, hidden item belonging to someone she dearly loved. Kate Morton
The commonplace books of the old Puritans were invaluable to them. They would never have been able to compile such works as they did if they had not been careful in collecting and arranging their matter under different heads. Charles Haddon Spurgeon
It was an irresistible development of modern illustration (so largely photographic) that borders should be abandoned and the "picture" end only with the paper. This method may be suitable for for photographs; but it is altogether inappropriate for the pictures that illustrate or are inspired by fairy-stories. An enchanted forest requires a margin, even an elaborate border. To print it coterminous with the page, like a "shot" of the Rockies in Picture Post, as if it were indeed a "snap" of fairyland or a "sketch by our artist on the spot", is a folly and an abuse. . J.r.r. Tolkien