3 Quotes & Sayings By Frank B Kellogg

Frank B. Kellogg is a student of mind, body and spirit and has been a student of health and healing for many years. He is a certified holistic health counselor with a Masters of Counseling in Holistic Health from Walden University in Illinois. A former US Air Force officer, Frank is the author of several books on how to achieve optimal health and wellness.

I know that military alliances and armament have been the reliance for peace for centuries, but they do not produce peace; and when war comes, as it inevitably does under such conditions, these armaments and alliances but intensify and broaden the conflict. Frank B. Kellogg
Each one of these treaties is a step for the maintenance of peace, an additional guarantee against war. It is through such machinery that the disputes between nations will be settled and war prevented. Frank B. Kellogg