4 Quotes & Sayings By Fiorella De Maria

Fiorella De Maria is the author of the bestselling Italian bestseller, Fiorella. Fiorella was, until her exile in 2015, one of the most famous celebrities in Italy, with millions of fans worldwide. Her book, Fiorella, has sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide and was translated into over 30 languages.

Just show a little humility. If you know your weaknesses...
Just show a little humility. If you know your weaknesses you will not be enslaved by them. Fiorella De Maria
As Liljana sat stitching a sampler or darning a sock, she dreamed her way into life as a grown woman with her own household to run, her own home to tidy, her own children to mind, and her own husband to cheer after a long day's work as they sat together by the fire. The life that future generations would dismiss as dull and degrading offered Liljana the liberating prospect of being mistress in her own home rather than living to serve others. Fiorella De Maria
There are two types of optimism, real optimism and fake, cowardly optimism. Real optimism sees the Valley of Dry Bones and says, ‘These bones will rise! ’ Fake, cowardly optimism says, ‘I like these bones. Dry bones are so very artistic to look at. Fiorella De Maria