16 Quotes & Sayings By Eric Schlosser

Eric Schlosser is the author of Fast Food Nation, Reefer Madness, and Reefer Madness: The True Tale of Marijuana. He teaches journalism at the University of California at Berkeley and lives in California with his wife and their two children.

The management no longer depends upon the talents or skills of its workers---those things are built into the operating systems and machines. Jobs that have been "deskilled" can be filled cheaply. The need to retain any individual worker is greatly reduced by the ease with which he or she can be replaced. Eric Schlosser
Lowe has broken from the Christianity of his parents, a faith that now seems hopelessly out of date. The meek shall no longer inherit the earth; the go-getters will get it and everything that goes with it. The Christ who went among the poor, the sick, the downtrodden, among lepers and prostitutes, really had no marketing savvy. He has been transfigured into a latter-day entrepreneur, the greatest superstar sales person of all time, who built a multinational outfit from scratch. . Eric Schlosser
Some of the most painful and debilitating injuries are the hardest to prove. Eric Schlosser
Like Cheyenne Mountain, today's fast good conceals remarkable technological advances behind an ordinary-looking façade. Eric Schlosser
Fast food is popular because it's convenient, it's cheap, and it tastes good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu. Eric Schlosser
McDonald's revolutionized fast food. They introduced a way to eat food without knives, forks or plates. Most fast foods can be eaten while steering the wheel of a car and the restaurants are usually drive through. Eric Schlosser
Hey, I used to eat at McDonald's: I liked the taste of the food, especially the French fries. Eric Schlosser
Fast food chains spend a large amount of marketing to get the attention of children. People form their eating habits as children so they try to nurture clients as youngsters. Eric Schlosser
I'm all in favor of animal rights, but I'd like to see the food movement take a much stronger stand in defense of basic human rights. If you're a vegan or a vegetarian, you should care about the people who are picking your fruits and vegetables by hand. Eric Schlosser
As a matter of fact, most cases of food poisoning are never linked back to their source. Eric Schlosser
Most fast food is fried. Fried food tastes great, and people don't seem to care about the fat aspect. Eric Schlosser
One might expect that the families of murder victims would be showered with sympathy and support, embraced by their communities. But in reality they are far more likely to feel isolated, fearful, and ashamed, overwhelmed by grief and guilt, angry at the criminal-justice system, and shunned by their old friends. Eric Schlosser
Like Hollywood movies, MTV and blue jeans, fast food has become one of America's major cultural exports. Eric Schlosser
Different people, in good faith, can look at the same fact and interpret it differently. But that's where an interesting conversation begins. Eric Schlosser
I can understand why a single parent, working two jobs, would find it easier to stop at McDonald's with the kids rather than cook something from scratch at home. Eric Schlosser