10 Quotes & Sayings By Enid Bagnold

Enid Bagnold (1903-1998) was born in England and educated at Oxford and Cambridge. She worked as a teacher and then moved to Cairo, where she became a government official. She wrote her first book, The Desert Is No Lady (1934), while there; it was published in England in 1936. It became a bestseller, and she also wrote two other novels, The Chalk Garden (1939) and The Flying Bookshop (1947) Read more

She also wrote two autobiographical works, Two-Way Mirror (1962) and A Cry for Rain (1964). Her most famous work is A Shilling for Candles (1938), the story of an English governess who becomes involved with Arab culture.

If I had my life over again[, ] I'd have thought more about words. And thought about them earlier. Enid Bagnold
It was March. The days of March creeping gustily on like something that man couldn't hinder and God wouldn't hurry. Enid Bagnold
Suddenly, as they walked with their buckets, it was not the child in each face that she sought, but the Wonder that had raised itself on to its two feet, that had learnt to walk, to run, that had spoken, that had got in touch with life under her hand. Enid Bagnold
The children seemed to cast their Precursors like shadows about the house, sometimes tangibly, in the sound of a voice, sometimes by suggestion, because it was striking the hour for their return from a walk, sometimes mysteriously, because inside the shell of their mother's head the children were painted like angels on the roof of a chapel. Enid Bagnold
And now, finished with that puzzling mixture of insane intimacy and isolation which is notoriety, Velvet was able to get on quietly to her next adventures. Enid Bagnold
Judges don't age time decorates them. Enid Bagnold
When a man goes through six years training to be a doctor he will never be the same. He knows too much. Enid Bagnold
In marriage there are no manners to keep up, and beneath the wildest accusations no real criticism. Each is familiar with that ancient child in the other who may erupt again. We are not ridiculous to ourselves. We are ageless. That is the luxury of the wedding ring. Enid Bagnold
A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again. Enid Bagnold