4 Quotes & Sayings By Emily Watts

 Emily Watts is the author of the bestselling The Perfect  Bride,  which was  an Amazon.com bestseller  in its  first week  of release. She is also the author of the  bestselling trilogy, The Chaperone, which debuted at number 1 on Amazon.com's Women's Fiction Bestsellers list. Emily has written for several magazines, including Style, House Beautiful, and Parenting. Her work has also been featured in the Huffington Post Read more

Emily holds a degree in journalism from Boston University where she was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and graduated with honors. She currently lives in New York City with her husband and three kids.

I'm not really silly enough to think that chocolate solves anything. But it calms me. It's a soothing assurance, that this hectic life I have worked myself into is also full of wonderful surprises and unexpected sweetness. It reminds me that a hefty percentage of my "problems" don't really need to be solved at all, just outlasted. Emily Watts
Whatever it is in your life that is separating you from Jesus Christ, he knows about it. He longs for you to come to him now, so he can lend you his strength to overcome your weaknesses. His love is there for you, as solid and sturdy as a brick. He doesn't turn away in disgust when you make a mistake, no matter how many times you've made that mistake before. If you'll let him, he'll pick you up and dust you off and say 'Try again. I know you'll do better next time.' And because he never gives up on you, you will try again, and eventually, with his help, you'll conquer whatever it is that brought you down. Emily Watts
Our Company was participating in a management seminar in which we were taught a strategy that goes by the unlovely name of 'reverse your buts.' I did not make this up! It works like this: Maybe you're thinking, 'I love you, but you're driving me crazy.' Instead, try thinking, 'You're driving me crazy, but I love you." Isn't it amazing how different that feels? Emily Watts