3 Quotes & Sayings By Em Swifthook

E. M. Swift-Hook was born in 1863 and died in 1957 - he was a prolific writer of books on a wide variety of subjects, mainly about cats. He penned over 30 books, the best known being the famous "Felines" series Read more

In addition to writing, he was an avid photographer and sometimes took photographs for his own work. Some of the more interesting facts about him are that he was from England and spent his life living in France.

Real affection does not see anything in terms of 'rights',...
Real affection does not see anything in terms of 'rights', nor does it even care if it is reciprocated. It merely waits by the door and hopes." From 'A Walking Shadow E.M. SwiftHook
No one is ever too old for stories.” ~ Durban Chola E.M. SwiftHook