5 Quotes & Sayings By Elizabeth Isaacs

Elizabeth Isaacs is an American author of romance novels, who has published more than 30 books since 1989. Her novels have been translated into 16 languages. A former special education teacher, she is also the founder of the non-profit Writers' Workshop for Children with Disabilities.

We are born with gifts and talents, which we discover over time through new experiences. Talents invigorate our lives, incite our passions, allowing our authenticity to shine. To me, nothing is more tragic than someone never taking a chance, never stepping out of their box, only to leave this world with a myriad of unwrapped gifts. Elizabeth Isaacs
...no one has ever doubted you would die for those you love. .. the question then becomes would you live? Elizabeth Isaacs
Artists strive for perfection. But what they often fail to see is that the beauty, the humanity, lies within the flaws. Elizabeth Isaacs
Seeing that humans in modern cultures were destroying their environment for the sake of self-indulgence, the Dokkalfar focused their attention on poorer nations, whose terrain still flourished. A century of ethnic cleansing, deforestation, and war assured the land weakened and humans stayed in abject poverty. The result was a perfect contrast. In certain parts of the world, millions of children died of starvation and disease while other countries held excesses and riches never before seen. Earth became a place of greedy extremes. Societies lost the ability to relate to one another, choosing instead to focus on their own. No one noticed the one common theme every culture held. The world itself was dying. Elizabeth Isaacs