5 Quotes & Sayings By Elijah Noble El

Elijah Noble El is a New York Times bestselling author. He is a writer, speaker, and consultant who has written or co-written over ten books, including the #1 bestseller “Learn How To Win Friends and Influence People”. He has been a keynote speaker at the National Speakers Association Convention, the National Black MBA Association, and the American Society of Business Publication Editors. He has been quoted as an expert on topics ranging from personal finance to leadership to social media Read more

His work has been featured on Fox News, Fox Business, CNN Money, Forbes Magazine , The Huffington Post, Business Insider , and more.

That night, when the creature sleeps, when he sleeps, the mother escapes into her daughters’ room. She tells her daughter that the creature’s afraid of her having too much love, too much heart. She takes a tube of lipstick and drags it across her finger like a knife, marking it across her daughter’s cheeks, red, blood, war paint. Elijah Noble El
She’s all the blood I’ve ever shed. She’s every time I’ve ever thought of death. She’s every time I’ve ever looked at happiness and thought, ‘That’s not meant for me. Elijah Noble El
I moonlight as the greatest actor. I smile. I choose the comedy mask every time. I tell those who worry that I am fine, that I always will be. There is nothing to gain from these lies. I win no awards, yet I bow. On that stage I tell my life story with the lightest of words, the heaviest of hearts. I bleed for the people who stay and watch. Behold: the comedy, the tragedy. They smile and cheer. They clap for this. And I bow, and I bow, and I bow. Elijah Noble El
Sometimes I struggle. Sometimes I falter. Sometimes I live in gray. But always I remember the yarrow you’ve grown in the spaces of my rib cage. I now love with roses from my heart, with lilacs from my mouth. Elijah Noble El