8 Quotes & Sayings By Edgardo Osorio

Edgardo Osorio is the author of the international bestsellers, The Psychology of Success, Do What You Love and Love What You Do, which have been translated into more than 40 languages. His books have been featured on bestseller lists in many countries including USA, Canada, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Poland, South Korea. He is an advisor to leaders across the globe.

Up until the 1960s, women would meet designers in their private ateliers, and together they would build a relationship and a wardrobe. Then, all of a sudden, designers disappeared into their own private bubble, and there was no communication. Edgardo Osorio
I got a New York designer to build my dream store here, which is a little bit of Florence in New York. It's like the Duomo on Madison. I got inspired by Santa Maria Novella and all the Renaissance architecture. Edgardo Osorio
When I sit down and design, it's shoes that always appear. Edgardo Osorio
I design flats like I design heels: They must be seductive, beautiful and comfortable. Edgardo Osorio
Being inspired is one thing, but completely knocking off a design is another. There is a big difference. Edgardo Osorio
Sometimes you design a shoe, and you think this one is a winner, but you never know when something will be such a crazy phenomenon. Edgardo Osorio
Whenever I went to a wedding or a party, girls kept complaining about their shoes. I love to dance, and I wanted them to have shoes they could keep on all night. Edgardo Osorio