7 Quotes & Sayings By Dennis Liggio

Dennis Liggio, PhD, is the originator of the "life-planning" model, which has been used by millions of people worldwide to achieve their personal and professional goals. His work is grounded in scientific research and proven results. While he was a professor of psychology at Miami University in Ohio, Dennis completed his first self-study workbook entitled "Personal Power". This workbook was based on his two decades of research on emotional intelligence and personal power Read more

The second edition included interviews with over 200 leading self-help experts who endorsed the book, including Dr. John Gray, Dr. Edward Wilson, Dr.

Stephen R. Covey, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr.

David Hawkins, Dr. Mihaly Csiksentmihalyi, and others. He has conducted seminars on personal power for thousands of people throughout the world, including both business executives and high school students.

He has also conducted seminars for K-12 teachers on how to help students become more successful in school by using the principles of personal power demonstrated in his book Success With Your Own Hands (1999). The teachings are based upon the author's life experiences as well as his extensive research into the psychology of happiness and success.

I don't know how it got to this, but I'm in a war. There's no chance for diplomacy. They want me dead and I don't think I can run from this. Not after what they've done to me. So if this is a war, then I'm going to take the fight to them. I'll raid their lair and I'll kill as many as I can. There seem to be endless numbers of them, but they've got to have a limit. Tonight we'll find out if there are more of them than there is fight in me. Dennis Liggio
Oh, y'know, magic stuff is full of weird vibrations! " said Dane. "Makes your palm sweat, gives you that pins and needles sensation when you hold it! Maybe something running up your arm." He paused. "Something that isn't a spider or a bug. Something running up your arm that's an invisible sensation. But not an invisible spider. Like an invisible feeling that's pins and needly. Maybe more needles than pins."" Are you sure that's not a heart attack?" said Jaya. . Dennis Liggio
I'll say that for all the good things, all the great things, the super wow things it can do, the heart is kind of an asshole. The strongest feelings we have are never when things are stable, never when things are solid, never when we can handle things. The sharpest feelings are when things are either super good or super bad, as if the heart only ever wants to add gasoline to a fire. And the heart has all the subtlety of a freight train. It's going to hit you, and it's going to hit you hard. Dennis Liggio
Was this the stupidest thing I had ever done? Maybe, maybe not. Top ten, at least. Dennis Liggio
I have the whole team just around the block! One call and they'll ride in here like cavalry! Riding on... robots! Giant robots! Well, not giant robots, like in Egan, but... but... big enough robots! Dennis Liggio
When you see zombies, they're typically in a horde. A big group close together, as if they were just holding hands before you saw them and they quickly let go. Dennis Liggio