18 Quotes & Sayings By David Shields

David Shields is a writing professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a regular contributor to The New York Times Magazine, The Believer, and McSweeney's. His first book, Reality Hunger: A Manifesto was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award and a New York Times Editor's Choice. His second book, Reality Hunger II: A Manifesto was published by City Lights in 2012. He is the author of several other books including The Thing About Life, Death Is Easy: A Memoir, and In the Shadow of the Object: Essays on Art and Objecthood Read more

In 2013 he co-founded Tabula Rasa Press as a literary publishing house that publishes experimental literary fiction, nonfiction, and journals.

Copies have been dethroned; the economic model built on them is collapsing. In a regime of superabundant free copies, copies are no longer the basis of wealth. Now relationships, links, connections, and sharing are. Value has shifted away from a copy toward the many ways to recall, annotate, personalize, edit, authenticate, display, mark, transfer, and engage a work. Art is a conversation, not a patent office. The citation of sources belongs to the realms of journalism and scholarship, not art. Reality can’t be copyrighted. . David Shields
Story seems to say that everything happens for a reason and I want to say, No, it doesn’t. David Shields
A great book allows me to leap over that wall: in a deep, significant conversation with another consciousness, I feel human and unalone. David Shields
To write only according to the rules laid down by masterpieces signifies that one is not a master but a pupil. David Shields
A sports writer is a stylist of some kind. He is trying to convey mood and character and emotion. David Shields
Sports passion is deeply, infamously territorial: our city-state is better than your city-state because our city-state's team beat your city-state's team. My attachment to the Sonics is approximately the reverse of this. David Shields
I'm a sucker for sports movies. David Shields
The movie - any sports movie - becomes a praise song to life here on earth, to physical existence itself, beyond striving, beyond economic necessity. David Shields
Sports movies are often very good at dramatizing the intersection of public and private realms: the body politic. David Shields
When I was studying at the Iowa Writers School, I read a sports writer, Ron Maly, from the Des Moines Register. He was a good sports writer. I became real interested in the contrast between Lute Olson, who was the coach of Iowa at the time, and Ron Maly. David Shields
I think of sports writers as mediating between two worlds. Athletes probably think of sports writers as not macho enough. And people in high culture probably think of sports writers as jocks or something. They are in an interestingly complex position in which they have to mediate the world of body and the world of words. David Shields
Sports - especially the NBA - function as a place where American society pretends to discuss and pretends to solve questions and historical agonies that can't possibly be solved within the realm of sports. David Shields
I am exhausted by traditional memoir. I am exhausted by the architecture of the conventional novel. David Shields
You could easily do a book of Marshawn Lynch's quotes, which have a quite serious political pushback. I think he's really amazing. David Shields
I suspect the real reason the N.F.L. and N.B.A. don't want high schoolers and college underclassmen to play with their ball is that they don't want to jeopardize their relationship with National Collegiate Athletic Association, which serves as a sort of free minor league and unpaid promotional department for the pros. David Shields
I think the core of fans' relationship is one that vacillates schizophrenically and mercurially from reverence to resentment. Fans fetishize the players' athletic genius and both deify it and demonize it witness the way awe turns into anger whenever a player holds out or flips off the offensive coordinator. David Shields
You, Dad, in the large scheme of things, don't matter. I, Dad, don't matter. We're vectors on the grids of cellular life. David Shields